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Mempool Streaming

During beta testing we're offering unlimited free access to our Ethereum mainnet mempool service at a level which is comparable to:

  • Blox - Enterprise/Enterprise-Elite ($1250-5000/mo)
  • Blocknative - Growth1-Growth2 ($1250-5000/mo)

To use the service, just create a websocket subscription like the below, and it'll stream mempool transactions to you in real time. Don't forget to add your bearer token to the request header.


Go code example:

addr := flag.String("addr", "", "ws service address")
u := url.URL{Scheme: "wss", Host: *addr, Path: "/v1/mempool"}

requestHeader := http.Header{}
requestHeader.Add("Authorization", "Bearer "+t.BearerToken)
ws, _, werr := websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(u.String(), requestHeader)

We're streaming txs from the following sources:

// Unnamed contract addresses are Uniswap v2/3, Multicall, UniversalRouter (both versions)
var TxSources = map[string]bool{
"0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D": true,
"0x5C69bEe701ef814a2B6a3EDD4B1652CB9cc5aA6f": true,
"0xEf1c6E67703c7BD7107eed8303Fbe6EC2554BF6B": true,
"0x3fC91A3afd70395Cd496C647d5a6CC9D4B2b7FAD": true,
"0xf164fC0Ec4E93095b804a4795bBe1e041497b92a": true,
"0xE592427A0AEce92De3Edee1F18E0157C05861564": true,
"0x1111111254EEB25477B68fb85Ed929f73A960582": true, // 1inch v5: Aggregation Router
"0x1111111254fb6c44bAC0beD2854e76F90643097d": true, // 1inch v4: Aggregation Router
"0x111111125434b319222CdBf8C261674aDB56F3ae": true, // 1inch v2: Aggregation Router
"0x881D40237659C251811CEC9c364ef91dC08D300C": true, // metamask swap
"0xDef1C0ded9bec7F1a1670819833240f027b25EfF": true, // 0x
"0xe66B31678d6C16E9ebf358268a790B763C133750": true, // 0x coinbase wallet proxy
"0x2a0c0DBEcC7E4D658f48E01e3fA353F44050c208": true, // idex
"0x6131B5fae19EA4f9D964eAc0408E4408b66337b5": true, // KyberSwap: Meta Aggregation Router v2
"0x9008D19f58AAbD9eD0D60971565AA8510560ab41": true, // CoW settlement

How it works

This version is equivalent in power to a few hundred nodes connected to the best peers worldwide. We regularly reindex the network. We have worker nodes that deduplicate our Redis mempool stream and filter out txs that have been included in a recent block or previously broadcast.

Is it actually as good as it sounds?

Yes. Take a look at these real production trading dashboard graphs built using this mempool stream. On 10/24 ~3pm PST.

Screenshot 2023-10-24 at 2 54 43 PM Top K Projected Sandwich Revenue per Trading Pair & Tx Count by Method

Screenshot 2023-10-24 at 2 56 34 PM Top K Projected Sandwich Cost/Revenue per Trading Pair

Don't wait. We'll be out of beta testing within the next couple of weeks, and free access will be gone forever.